Help shape the future of MCPEDL!

A trending page

A cool section for trending addons and stuff. If you don't want competition with the site then nl problem.
  • TheLogicalMine
  • Nov 24 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Ex0tic Lettuce commented
    November 24, 2021 16:56

    Currently, everones' project gets added to the "Latest" page when it's released. Afterward, however, you are competing with everyones' projects that have been released since the beginning of cite (in the "Most Popular" categories). This isn't a very fair system; the same few addons and maps are likely to dominate the "Most Popular" categories because those are the only categories based on popularity. The latest page, while nice, doesn't really give new creators a fair chance at long term success. A trending page would at least extend the exposure of new creators if their content is popular enough and may give them a chance at climbing the "Most Popular" categories (they would probably have to be reset in reality, though).